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Plugins / Nextcloud Upload

Nextcloud Upload

by Ellpeck

Upload files to Nextcloud using chunking and optionally add tags to files

Nextcloud Upload

Simple plugin to upload files to Nextcloud using chunking, based on a glob pattern and a destination location. Note that, since this uses Nextcloud's built-in chunking system, it likely doesn't work for other WebDAV applications.

Here's an example of how to use it:

    image: ellpeck/woodpecker-nextcloud-upload
      # required settings
      server: # the server to use
      user: EllBot # the user
      token: access-token # the access token, or password if 2FA is disabled
      files: # the file(s), uses glob patterns
        - "**/*.md"
      dest: Uploads/CoolMarkdownFiles # the destination directory

      # optional retention settings, useful if old builds should be deleted automatically
      retentionamount: 7 # amount of children that retentionbase is allowed to have before oldest ones are deleted on upload
      retentionbase: Uploads # directory that the retentionamount applies to
      retentionskiptrash: false # whether retention-based deletion should skip the Nextcloud trash, defaults to false

      # misc optional settings
      basedir: "." # local base directory for files, defaults to .
      chunksize: # chunk size in bytes, defaults to 10485760, or 10 MiB
      quiet: false # whether to reduce output, defaults to false
      tags: # a set of tags to apply to uploaded files, tag is expected to already exist
        - mytag
      flatten: false # whether to flatten directories, causing all files to be placed directly in dest, defaults to false